Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Conflict Of Laws In The Banking Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Conflict Of Laws In The Banking Industry - Essay Example Nevertheless, a severable part of the contract which has a closer connection with another country may by way of exception be governed by the law of that other country.† The second sentence on Article 4(1) would make the jurisdiction of the transaction highly debatable as the location of the collateral would make it closer to Ruritania thus the question of whether or not the laws which will govern the disposal thereof would fall under the â€Å"severable†. In some countries, foreign entities are not allowed to own properties within its jurisdiction, which would bring about a conflict of laws on properties. Note also that is Article 4(2) of EC Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations it is provided that â€Å"Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5 of this Article, it shall be presumed that the contract is most closely connected with the country where the party who is to effect the performance which is characteristic of the contract has, at the time of conclusion of the contract, his habitual residence, or, in the case of a body corporate or unincorporated, its central administration. However, if the contract is entered into in the course of that party's trade or profession, that country shall be the country in which the principal place of business is situated or, where under the terms of the contract the performance is to be effected through a place of business other than the principal place of business, the country in which that other place of business is situated.† The interpretation of the law is clearly enunciated in the leading case of Sierra Leone Telecommunications Co. Ltd. v. Barclays Bank Plc (1998) where it reiterated the general rule established under the case of Libyan Arab Foreign Bank v Bankers Trust Co [1989] that â€Å"where there is no choice of venue for redress or no provisions as to which law would apply is laid in the case of that the contract between a bank and its customer is governed by the law of the place where the account is kept, in the absence of agreement to the contrary† was affirmed.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Civil Rights in America Essay Example for Free

Civil Rights in America Essay The Cornell University Law School defines a civil right as â€Å"an enforceable right or privilege, which if interfered with by another gives rise to an action for injury† (2008). An example of a civil right in the United States is the freedom of speech. It is safeguarded in the First Amendment of the Constitution because this right allows for the free flow of ideas among individuals, organizations and other entities even if these opinions are unconventional, contentious or downright distasteful (Wang, 2001). The clash of opposing ideas in society facilitates the process in which the truth will emerge. Suppressing thoughts that counter another thought will not bring about a well-rounded understanding of an issue at hand and will lead to insufficient knowledge on which the public will base their positions, decisions or actions. Only by trying and testing ideas through competition guaranteed by free speech can the public become objective. Further, the freedom of speech is also one of the ways in which persons express their individuality and pursue self-development (Wang, 2001). Another example of a civil right is the freedom from involuntary servitude. The Thirteenth Amendment ended the more than two centuries in which slavery, the classic form of involuntary servitude, existed in the United States (Missouri Bar, 2006). This granted every inhabitant of the country, no matter what the race or ethnicity, gender or personal beliefs, the security from this form of inhumanity. However, involuntary servitude has a wider meaning in that in not only encompasses slavery but also peonage. The Thirteenth Amendment also protects against voluntary or involuntary labor of a person as a form of debt payment or a means for the fulfillment of obligations (Missouri Bar, 2006). The right against involuntary servitude assures citizens of their dignity and freedom even in times of economic difficulties. This right specifically protects persons of the lower economic status from the exploitation of the more affluent.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Rani Shankar Essay examples -- Biology Essays Research Papers

Rani Shankar As much as I would have liked to continue my engaging research on Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's (issues I hold very dear to my heart), during my preliminary research for the third paper I felt drawn to another, equally interesting, topic. As finals rapidly approach and the idea of graduation becomes more real by day, this new topic seemed to have more personal significance to my life. And so I began research on this topic with purely selfish motivations- to better understand the phenomenon of stress. A relatively new concept involving brain and behavior, Hans Selye first proposed the idea of stress as a normal adaptive syndrome, a fight-or- flight situation, very similar to escape behavior (1). Stress is defined as "the set of all organic reactions to physical, psychic, infectious, or other, aggressions, which are capable to disturb homeostasis" (1). Stress lies at the intersection between personal, social, and economic factors and biology. Although stress is an important, integral part of our existence, there is a point at which it becomes overwhelming and our adaptive responses may break down (2). The breaking point varies from person to person, depending on past experiences, coping responses, and genetics (2). Clearly, socio-economics has a lot to do with the ability to cope with stress over time. We may know of some people that are inherently better able to deal with life's stressors. However, genetic bases for dealing and coping with stress are unknown at this time. Stress, usually used to describe a state of mind, illustrates the important connection between mind and body. Although stress is primarily a neuronal reaction, it's effects reach far past neurobiology. Stress is thought to adversely aff... ...y. Biology 202 1st Web Papers. 1998. Bonnie Kimmel. 11. Panic Attacks and Panic Disorders. The Harvard Mental Health Letter. April (I). 12. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. May 9, 1995. Stress Signs are Often Missed In Victims of Violent Crimes. 13. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Body-Mind Queendom. 14. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The Harvard Mental Health Letter. June (part I), July 1996 (Part II). Rani Shankar Essay examples -- Biology Essays Research Papers Rani Shankar As much as I would have liked to continue my engaging research on Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's (issues I hold very dear to my heart), during my preliminary research for the third paper I felt drawn to another, equally interesting, topic. As finals rapidly approach and the idea of graduation becomes more real by day, this new topic seemed to have more personal significance to my life. And so I began research on this topic with purely selfish motivations- to better understand the phenomenon of stress. A relatively new concept involving brain and behavior, Hans Selye first proposed the idea of stress as a normal adaptive syndrome, a fight-or- flight situation, very similar to escape behavior (1). Stress is defined as "the set of all organic reactions to physical, psychic, infectious, or other, aggressions, which are capable to disturb homeostasis" (1). Stress lies at the intersection between personal, social, and economic factors and biology. Although stress is an important, integral part of our existence, there is a point at which it becomes overwhelming and our adaptive responses may break down (2). The breaking point varies from person to person, depending on past experiences, coping responses, and genetics (2). Clearly, socio-economics has a lot to do with the ability to cope with stress over time. We may know of some people that are inherently better able to deal with life's stressors. However, genetic bases for dealing and coping with stress are unknown at this time. Stress, usually used to describe a state of mind, illustrates the important connection between mind and body. Although stress is primarily a neuronal reaction, it's effects reach far past neurobiology. Stress is thought to adversely aff... ...y. Biology 202 1st Web Papers. 1998. Bonnie Kimmel. 11. Panic Attacks and Panic Disorders. The Harvard Mental Health Letter. April (I). 12. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. May 9, 1995. Stress Signs are Often Missed In Victims of Violent Crimes. 13. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Body-Mind Queendom. 14. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The Harvard Mental Health Letter. June (part I), July 1996 (Part II).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Corporate governance

Corporate governance is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals and between individual and communal goals. The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability. What is corruption? Corruption is wrong doing on the part of an authority and powerful party through eans that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards.Corruption often from protonage and is associate with bribery Types of corruption The types of corruption are as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) in Bribery Theft and fraud Extortion Abuse of discretion Favouritism, nepotism and clientism Conduct creating or exploiting conflicting interest Improper political contribution. What is corporate governance? the I-JK Cadbury was the result of several high profile company collapses is Corporate Governance Week 2 Essay Questions (100 Points) 1. Do you feel the extent of shareholders’ participation in the election of directors is limited to the rubber-stamp process of affirmation? Explain the given statement. Actually, shareholders have limited power during the election process even though they are empowered by the statues to elect directors to oversee management. Even if the majority of shareholders oppose a corporate sponsored nominee, the person will still be elected as director.CEOs and the board had controlled the power to the nomination and election process until very recently. The independent directors in the nominating committee has provided some structure to the nomination and election process even though those directors still serve at the will of the CEOs and other executive directors. 2. Elaborate on the following statement: â€Å"In modern corporations, particularly in the era of technological advances, labor resources are becoming an important part of corporate gove rnance as capital resources. Employee participation is essential to corporate governance; it influences employee cooperation in the implementation of company decisions as well as the effectiveness of managerial control and authority. Employees of a firm have made firm-specific investments such as retirement funds and pension funds. Those investment are tied to the company’s stock, thus their incentives to participate in corporate governance are greater. Given more outside opportunities, employees with valuable human capital can easily leave the firm.One possible way is allowing employees to participate in corporate decision-making and to share in the corporate surplus through flexible wages, shared ownership and other mechanisms. As such, corporate government system should give adequate attention to employees if the firms are to survive in an increasingly competitive environment 3. Discuss shareholders’ participation in monitoring their companies’ affairs, decis ions, and corporate governance.Shareholders should be held accountable for monitoring the operations and management of the business with which they hold an investment. While keeping track of day-to-day processes can prove difficult, shareholders ranging from large institutional investors to small retail investors have an obligation to monitor the governance and performance as a result from management decisions. Shareholders should also try to understand the culture in order to have a better understanding of management’s governance and the risk controls that exist within.If shareholders grow displeased with the governance and management of the company, they can voice their displeasure by selling their shares. 4. Describe how shareholder proposals can influence corporate governance. Shareholder proposals can impact corporate governance if a structure is established where board members are required to consider each proposal. Usually, board members want to maintain maximum flexib ility and typically avoid these kind of constraints.However, the use of proxy voting has changed this a little bit. 5. Explain the advantages of employee participation in corporate governance. Employee participation in corporate governance is important as it provides an extra layer of checks and balances within the governance of a company which can lead to exposing misconduct or illegal actions. Also, allocating ownership of stock to employees, the interests of the employee and shareholder become aligned for the greater good and growth of the company. Corporate Governance Week 2 Essay Questions (100 Points) 1. Do you feel the extent of shareholders’ participation in the election of directors is limited to the rubber-stamp process of affirmation? Explain the given statement. Actually, shareholders have limited power during the election process even though they are empowered by the statues to elect directors to oversee management. Even if the majority of shareholders oppose a corporate sponsored nominee, the person will still be elected as director.CEOs and the board had controlled the power to the nomination and election process until very recently. The independent directors in the nominating committee has provided some structure to the nomination and election process even though those directors still serve at the will of the CEOs and other executive directors. 2. Elaborate on the following statement: â€Å"In modern corporations, particularly in the era of technological advances, labor resources are becoming an important part of corporate gove rnance as capital resources. Employee participation is essential to corporate governance; it influences employee cooperation in the implementation of company decisions as well as the effectiveness of managerial control and authority. Employees of a firm have made firm-specific investments such as retirement funds and pension funds. Those investment are tied to the company’s stock, thus their incentives to participate in corporate governance are greater. Given more outside opportunities, employees with valuable human capital can easily leave the firm.One possible way is allowing employees to participate in corporate decision-making and to share in the corporate surplus through flexible wages, shared ownership and other mechanisms. As such, corporate government system should give adequate attention to employees if the firms are to survive in an increasingly competitive environment 3. Discuss shareholders’ participation in monitoring their companies’ affairs, decis ions, and corporate governance.Shareholders should be held accountable for monitoring the operations and management of the business with which they hold an investment. While keeping track of day-to-day processes can prove difficult, shareholders ranging from large institutional investors to small retail investors have an obligation to monitor the governance and performance as a result from management decisions. Shareholders should also try to understand the culture in order to have a better understanding of management’s governance and the risk controls that exist within.If shareholders grow displeased with the governance and management of the company, they can voice their displeasure by selling their shares. 4. Describe how shareholder proposals can influence corporate governance. Shareholder proposals can impact corporate governance if a structure is established where board members are required to consider each proposal. Usually, board members want to maintain maximum flexib ility and typically avoid these kind of constraints.However, the use of proxy voting has changed this a little bit. 5. Explain the advantages of employee participation in corporate governance. Employee participation in corporate governance is important as it provides an extra layer of checks and balances within the governance of a company which can lead to exposing misconduct or illegal actions. Also, allocating ownership of stock to employees, the interests of the employee and shareholder become aligned for the greater good and growth of the company. Corporate Governance Week 2 Essay Questions (100 Points) 1. Do you feel the extent of shareholders’ participation in the election of directors is limited to the rubber-stamp process of affirmation? Explain the given statement. Actually, shareholders have limited power during the election process even though they are empowered by the statues to elect directors to oversee management. Even if the majority of shareholders oppose a corporate sponsored nominee, the person will still be elected as director.CEOs and the board had controlled the power to the nomination and election process until very recently. The independent directors in the nominating committee has provided some structure to the nomination and election process even though those directors still serve at the will of the CEOs and other executive directors. 2. Elaborate on the following statement: â€Å"In modern corporations, particularly in the era of technological advances, labor resources are becoming an important part of corporate gove rnance as capital resources. Employee participation is essential to corporate governance; it influences employee cooperation in the implementation of company decisions as well as the effectiveness of managerial control and authority. Employees of a firm have made firm-specific investments such as retirement funds and pension funds. Those investment are tied to the company’s stock, thus their incentives to participate in corporate governance are greater. Given more outside opportunities, employees with valuable human capital can easily leave the firm.One possible way is allowing employees to participate in corporate decision-making and to share in the corporate surplus through flexible wages, shared ownership and other mechanisms. As such, corporate government system should give adequate attention to employees if the firms are to survive in an increasingly competitive environment 3. Discuss shareholders’ participation in monitoring their companies’ affairs, decis ions, and corporate governance.Shareholders should be held accountable for monitoring the operations and management of the business with which they hold an investment. While keeping track of day-to-day processes can prove difficult, shareholders ranging from large institutional investors to small retail investors have an obligation to monitor the governance and performance as a result from management decisions. Shareholders should also try to understand the culture in order to have a better understanding of management’s governance and the risk controls that exist within.If shareholders grow displeased with the governance and management of the company, they can voice their displeasure by selling their shares. 4. Describe how shareholder proposals can influence corporate governance. Shareholder proposals can impact corporate governance if a structure is established where board members are required to consider each proposal. Usually, board members want to maintain maximum flexib ility and typically avoid these kind of constraints.However, the use of proxy voting has changed this a little bit. 5. Explain the advantages of employee participation in corporate governance. Employee participation in corporate governance is important as it provides an extra layer of checks and balances within the governance of a company which can lead to exposing misconduct or illegal actions. Also, allocating ownership of stock to employees, the interests of the employee and shareholder become aligned for the greater good and growth of the company.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Internet Mental Health Issues Essay

Mental health services conducted on the Internet have been described as e-therapy, online counseling, e -mail therapy, Internet-based therapy, and similar terminology. Online therapy services may be provided as an adjunct to more traditional forms of mental health treatment, or may be initiated without any offline contact between the therapist and client. Currently, there are a variety of websites providing links and information regarding online therapy. As I was reading about benefits and risks in using internet as a source for mental health services, I realized that there are a lot of factors that make it a controversial issue. There are many pro and con to its benefits. Some Pros are the convenience of a client, Flexibility in scheduling, Anonymous and private, Access to those with physical disabilities; emotionally safe environment on of my biggest issues is making use of the time-delay (email) to work on issues. Appeal to those who are shy, uncomfortable with face-to-face treatment and make them feel more those who are shy more comfortable. Some disadvantages are Privacy, security and privilege cannot be guaranteed, Lack of patient skills to use the Absence of face-to-face therapy relationship, Lack of behavioral cues may lead to problems in treatment and most importantly is Urgent, crises, or suicidal issues may not receive immediate and appropriate attention. I work in a Community clinic where we offer many treatments one of them is therapy also. As I came across this assignment I ask one of our doctors what they believed. One of the doctors sends in miner cases it could be useful as long as is a well program with credentials and the issues are not really serious. At this time we are transitioning from paper charts to computers so most of the time there sitting in front of the computer typing away while the patient is speaking. It made me realized that in a way internet and mental services are becoming more and more essential for each  other. When I was reading the website for American Psychological Association it provided me the ethics they have to fallow when they provide service public advice or comment via print, Internet or other electronic transmission, they take precautions to ensure that statements (1) are based on their professional knowledge, training or experience in accord with appropriate psychological literature and practice; (2) are otherwise consistent with this Ethics Code; and (3) do not indicate that a professional relationship has been established with the recipient. I believe in conclusion we could benefit from these services as long as we are really aware that they are legit and trustworthy. In my case I believe sometimes I could benefit from therapy but simply have no time. One of the reasons I choose online schooling. Definitely I would use these services and give it a try. There are programs offer here in California that can help you as a guide to search for help. The Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) would like to make the following recommendations to California consumers who choose to seek therapy or counseling over the Internet. Individuals, who provide psychotherapy or counseling, either in person, by telephone, or over the Internet, are required by law to be licensed. Licensing requirements vary by state. Individuals who provide psychotherapy or counseling to persons in California are required to be licensed in California. Such licensure permits the consumer to pursue recourse against the licensee should the consumer believe that the licensee engaged in unprofessional conduct. References 1. National Association of Social Workers â€Å"Code of Ethics â€Å"Retrieved From: 2. American Psychological Association â€Å"Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct â€Å"Retrieved From: 3. The Branch Journal of Psychiatry Dr. John Powell â€Å"Internet information-seeking in mental health† Sept 2006 retrieved from: 4. Department of Consumer Affairs Board of Behavioral Sciences â€Å"Consumer Information Regarding Online Psychotherapy† Retrieved From:

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Homelessness In The United States

Homelessness In The United States Free Online Research Papers Just about everywhere you go to visit these days you will see a lot of homeless people. Usually they will not be a threat to you but sometimes they will harass people to get things from them that they want. Since this has been happening to a lot of people they are starting to get bad reputations. People will walk down the street and see others digging through trash or sleeping on park benches. When this happens they will usually start talking trash about them. The truth is that you can not judge people by what actions they need to take to survive in this world. No one knows what struggles they put up with everyday. Yes, it is true that some homeless people are just too lazy to try and get jobs. On the other hand some people have mental problems or health problems that restrict them from working. Some groups of people have come up with an idea to send them back to their families and have them stay there until they get back up on their feet. In a way this seems kind of pointless because if they wanted their families help then they most likely would of already moved back in with them to begin with. Some people will not go back home to their families because they want to prove that they can make it on their own even if they have to go through certain struggles. Police officers in some cities will crack down hard on the homeless people while others tend to look the other way. I think that if the police and other law makers in all cities work together to help we could have a chance at turning this unfortunate life style for people around. We don’t have to sit there and support them by giving them money for beer or other things they want but we could help find them jobs. Even if the jobs weren’t permanent just get them ones that will give them a type of income to slowly get back up on their feet. In conclusion, as long as we keep ignoring this situation or just waste time talking bad about these people nothing is going to change. Everyone needs to help by finding them options that they may be incapable of doing themselves. Maybe with a little patience and time we all can fight this horrible situation that no one deserves to be in. Research Papers on Homelessness In The United StatesThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresCapital PunishmentPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyTwilight of the UAWThe Hockey GameStandardized TestingPETSTEL analysis of India

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Life Of Charles Dickens Essays - Charles Dickens, Free Essays

The Life Of Charles Dickens Essays - Charles Dickens, Free Essays The Life of Charles Dickens INTRODUCTION This report will talk about the life of a famous author, Charles Dickens. It will tell you about his early, middle, and later years of his life. It will also talk about one of his great works of literature. In conclusion, this report will show a comparison of his work to his life. EARLY LIFE Charles Dickens was born at Landport, in Portsea, on February 7, 1812. His father was a clerk in the Navy Pay-Office, and was temporarily on duty in the neighborhood when Charles was born. His name was John Dickens. He spent time in prison for debts. But, even when he was free he lacked the money to support his family. Then, when Charles was two they moved to London. 1 Just before he started to toddle, he stepped into the glare of footlights. He never stepped out of it until he died. He was a good man, as men go in the bewildering world of ours, brave, transparent, tender-hearted, and honorable. Dickens was always a little too irritable because he was a little too happy. Like the over-wrought child in society, he was splendidly sociable, and in and yet sometimes quarrelsome. In all the practical relations of his life he was what the child is at a party, genuinely delighted, delightful, affectionate and happy, and in some strange way fundamentally sad and dangerously close to tears. 2 At the age of 12 Charles worked in a London factory pasting labels on bottles of shoe polish. He held the job only for a few months, but the misery of the experience remain with him all his life. 3 Dickens attended school off and on until he was 15, and then left for good. He enjoyed reading and was especially fond of adventure stories, fairy tales, and novels. He was influenced by such earlier English writers as William Shakespeare, Tobias Smollet, and Henry Fielding. However, most of the knowledge he later used as an author came from his environment around him. 4 MIDDLE LIFE Dickens became a newspaper writer and reporter in the late 1820's. He specialized in covering debates in Parliament, and also wrote feature articles. His work as a reporter sharpened his naturally keen ear for conversation and helped develop his skill in portraying his characters speach realistically. It also increased his ability to observe and to write swiftly and clearly. Dickens' first book, Sketches by Boz (1836) consisted of articles he wrote for the Monthly Magazine and the London Evening Chronicles.5 On April 2, 1836 he married Catherine Hogarth. This was just a few days before the anoucement that on the 31st he would have his first work printed in The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. And this was the beginning of his career. 6 Then, at 24, Dickens became famous and was so until he died. He won his first literary fame with The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. Published in monthly parts in 1836 and 1837 the book describes the humorous adventure and misadventures of the English Countryside. After a slow start, The Pickwick Papers as the book was usually called gained a popularity seldom matched in the history of literature. 7 Then in 1837, Catherine's sister Mary, died. Because of her death Dickens' suffered a lot of grief. This led some scholars to believe that Dickens loved Mary more than Catherine. Catherine was a good woman but she lacked intelligence. Dickens and Catherine had 10 children. Then later in 1858, the couple seperated. 8 LATER LIFE His later years was basically consisting of two main additions to his previous activites. The first was a series of public readings and lectures which he began giving it systematically. And second, he was a successive editor. Dickens had been many things in his life; he was a reporter , an actor, a conjurer, a poet, a lecturer, and a editor and he enjoyed all of those things. 9 Dickens had a remarkable mental and physical energy. He recorded all his activites in thousands of letter, many of which made delightful readings. He spent much of his later life with crowded social friends from arts and literature. He also went to the theater as often as he could,

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Bringing Visibility Into Marketing With Dree Ziegler From Fulton Fish Market

Bringing Visibility Into Marketing With Dree Ziegler From Fulton Fish Market Unexpected projects derail your marketing process or work management. It happens. How do you prepare or respond to such stress? Do you find a way to complete your work and meet deadlines? Marketing teams are always expected to do more with less.   Today’s guest is Dree Ziegler, director of digital marketing at Fulton Fish Market. Every marketer has similar tactics, but they’re all talking to different audiences and pitching different services and products. Dree brings a fresh perspective and describes how she created a process using to stay organized and constantly communicate.   Not a Can of Corn: Fulton Fish Market in New York City follows the same way of doing things since the beginning of time Nothin’ Fishy about Dree’s Marketing Experience: Digital and eCommerce marketing and technology strategy that moved to merchant side of business Remote Headquarters: Dree manages a dispersed team of people in a number of places who are in contact with all the people in the market on a daily basis Challenges: Dree understands importance of visibility across the team, staying organized, and constant communication Gone Fishin’:’s goal is to bring that fresh seafood experience to people, wherever they may live It’s not the same: Fresh fish from a grocery store is fish caught months ago, frozen, kept in a warehouse, trucked across country, thawed, and put on display Fulton Fish Market features about 40 vendors that bring fresh fish that’s sent overnight and delivered to your doorstep Fulton Fish Market’s Documenting Strategy for Marketing Plan:   Set high-level goals for team that’s still growing Update Website to improve consumer experience Put baseline digital marketing tools in place to plan daily tasks Draft and create day-to-day marketing plan and content Fish-on-the-Fly Campaigns: Ordering and buying fish that’s only good for so long; purchasing department buys what’s fresh in the market and expected to sell Project Plan: Visual waterfall of tasks and who’s doing what; monitor team’s tasks, pickup slack, work collaboratively, and deliver what’s promised   Fulton Fish Market’s next frontier is doing the things that people should be doing vs. automation and machine learning (ML) tools Marinating on Future of Digital Marketing: No experience needed, continue to learn, differentiate yourself, and stay hungry Links: Fulton Fish Market Fulton Fish Market (for restaurant owners) Fulton Fish Market (for retail consumers) Slack MailChimp Google Data Studio Magento eCommerce Platform Shopify The Marketing Management + Strategy Statistics You Need to Know in 2019 New Marketing Suite If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Dree Ziegler: â€Å"Our goal is to bring that experience to people wherever they may live. We want to deliver that freshly good experience to their doorstep quickly.† â€Å"We’re taking fish that comes into the Fulton Fish Market. You’re getting the freshest possible fish, and it’s delivered to your doorstep within overnight shipping.† â€Å"We’re doing a combination of big initiatives that over arch the year, as well as small daily marketing tidbits that go out on our social media and through our emails.† â€Å"We’ve automated a ton of things which allows us to work ahead and then when people disrupt the flowwere able to be more agile and supportive of what they need.†

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Summary for Iraq Politics Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary for Iraq Politics Paper - Essay Example Issues of oil have also dominated international debates and Iraqi’s influence on the entire world economy. This paper seeks to assess the Iraqi situation in the past, present, and the future, in the light of the research questions presented below. The above questions are based on conflict avoidance and conflict resolution in the Middle East, especially Iraq (Anderson, Seibert and Wagner 105). This country holds a significant percentage of an important resource; oil. One, Iraq has not had political stability for quite some time. It has also engaged in wars and violation of human rights. Using this as an excuse, a number of countries have been observed to want to control the Iraqi oil fields (Pelletiere 48). For instance, the US has installed a peacekeeping initiative in Iraq. However, over and above the peace mission, US have also been observed expressing interest in one way or another to control the rich Iraqi oil fields. The specific role and interest of the US in Iraq is ambiguous, and the US’s benefits or harm to Iraq needs critical analysis. THERE IS A GLOBAL ALLIANCE OF RULING ELITES WHICH IS ALSO IN COMPETITION WITH EACH OTHER OVER CONSUMER MARKETS, RAW MATERIALS, LABOR MARKETS. THIS IS THE CONCEPT KNOWN AS  "COMPETITOR PEERS† (Lecture: â€Å"Liberalism, Realism, theories of International Relations, and Neo-conservatism). However, the primary role of the US presence in Iraq has been to promote peace and stability of the nation Possible answers can be predetermined in relation to the research questions presented earlier. Failure to put a stable government in place and the violation of human rights from time to time have made Iraq what it is today (Smith 386). Even before the US made an entry into Iraq, this scenario had been observed.  

Introudation Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Introudation - Dissertation Example The role of the Saudi press during the recent conflict in Bahrain should be analyzed with respect to the Saudi government system, the Saudi society and the Saudi mass media. 1.1. The Saudi Government System The Saudi Government system comprises on the following three branches, on the basis of its goals, nature, responsibilities of the Country and the correlation of the ruler with the Saudi people. 1. Council of Ministers. 2. Legal and Judicial structure. 3. Consultative Council. 1.1.1. Council of Ministers The King, as the Prime Minister of the State, heads the Council of Ministers. Other members of this body include the Deputy Prime Minister (Crown Prince), the 2nd Deputy Prime Minister and the Cabinet Ministers (Saudi Arabian Information Centre, 1996). The responsibilities of the Council are drafting, supervising the execution of the external, internal, economic, financial, educational and defence policies, and general affairs of the Country. 1.1.2. Legal & Judicial Structure Saudi Arabia possesses a pervasive legal structure, in which the judicial system strictly follows the Shariah (The Islamic Law). At present, the Shariah legal system is governed by the Ministry of Justice through the Shariah Courts. The Special Courts or the Board of Grievances administers the disputes that emerge due to codified regulations. 1.1.3. Consultative Council The Consultative Council, also known as the Majlis Al-Shoura, fundamentally provides its advice to the King on important affairs by consulting its experienced and learned citizens. The Consultative Council, in its present form, comprises of a chairman and 90 advisors/members who are being hired by the King for a tenure of renewable 4 years. 1.2. Saudi-Society It is evident from the above description of the Saudi government system that the Islamic principles and the government permeate all areas of the social life in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, numerous political religious, cultural and economical factors influence the Saudi Arabian society to a great extent. The Saudi society is governed by the primitive ethics and traditions that have their roots deep in Islam as well as in Arabian morals and behavior, for instance, neighborliness and truthfulness (Ministry of Information, n.d.). 1.3. Saudi Mass Media As the case in the Saudi Arabian society, the mass media also cannot be considered individually from the influence of Islamic believes and government policies. 1.3.1. Saudi Press The National Press Agencies Act was approved by the Council of Ministers in January 09, 1964 through the resolution number 600 and a royal decree number 60 with the purpose to allow new people to know about their country, increase the rate of distribution by adding more readers to the national press (The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1993). This act was also helpful in expanding the information and news from abroad. Several news offices began their work from outside as well as inside of Saudi Arabia, specifically in the Arab region. The government of Saudi Arabia provided the financial support to the Saudi national press. The press in Saudi Arabia is presently more dependent on advertisements as a result of the economic problems, especially since the year 1991. As for instance, in July-1999 the Saudi newspaper, al-Riyadh allocated more than 60 percent of its space per day to advertisements while the al-Yaum and Okaz newspapers of Saudi Arabia, respectively, dedicated 50 percent and 53 percent of their space to advertisement for

Friday, October 18, 2019

Living on a Lifeboat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Living on a Lifeboat - Essay Example According to Hardin, lifeboat ethics become hugely critical elements of human survival. Lifeboats have lifeboats have limited space and people in it can survive only if they do not exceed the number of persons that it can take up. Thus, people in the lifeboat must desist saving people from overcrowded boat or drowning people if they want to survive. The self-interest must prevail in the lifeboat ethics. The tragedy of the commons is perceived as hugely crucial factor that adversely impacts the interests of the people at large. The metaphor broadly refers to resources that are used by all people and as such, being ‘common’ nobody takes up the responsibility for it. Hardin says that natural resources like air and water are prime example of the metaphor. People use it indiscriminately but are not concerned as to how it should be saved for posterity as legacy for our children. Christian-Marxist moral imperatives cannot be applied across the board because world is crowded wit h imperfect human-beings and selfish people would tend to look for their own interests and which would ultimately lead to mutual ruin of the commons. This he has defined as tragedy of the commons. The system of common that affect everyone must be incorporated within the framework of government agendas and world organizations like United Nations, World Bank etc. The wealth and natural resources of the rich nations are increasingly being used to serve the needs of the poor through various agencies. Thus, they can become vital tools or platforms to promote sustainability of resources, with pre-requisite conditions like population control, plantation drive, reforms in agricultural area etc., while disbursing aids in the poor countries. Human survival is at stake because of extreme burden due to increasing population on the limited resources of earth. The rising population has led to fast urbanization which has caused destruction of natural resources in terms of deforestation, pollution of air and water, indiscriminate use of fossil energy etc. Thus, it is important that system of common must become more responsible towards their consumption of natural resources. Hardin has applied the theory, tragedy of the common, on the immigration policy of the rich nation like America to show how the good intentions of the government could adversely impact the interests and survival of the American citizens in the long run. He says that net inflow of immigrants in America is around 400,000 per year while illegal immigrants is nearly 600,000 which goes undetected because they offer cheap labor who can be easily exploited to make huge profits by the business. Natural annual population growth rate is 1.7%, out of which immigrants make up nearly 37%! He has also put forward very interesting concept of pajoristic system that creates unacknowledged commons that tend to worsen situations. It can be applied on the immigration policy of the government that continuously allows immigrati on. A time will come when the immigrants would be same or more than legitimate American citizens and the wealth from rich American will keep going to the poor immigrants till both become poor! Indeed, Hardin’s concern is genuine because after some time, the immigrant population will not only out number the legitimate American citizens but it would also lead to scarcity of resources, lower quality of life and no significant resources left for our future generation. Hardin’

Riding on the Waves of Online Retall Business Research Paper

Riding on the Waves of Online Retall Business - Research Paper Example Now, the internet has been proven to be an effective vehicle as well to boost a growing business’ economy. Private accounts in public sites such as Multiply and other blog sites can now be considered shopping spots for some specialized products or services, and young entrepreneurs resort to these sites to begin selling their wares first to their friends, and hope that the word spreads so more traffic is geared to their online business sites. Noninska (2003) identified three basic models that represent main electronic commerce systems. One is â€Å"Business-to-Business (B2B), another is â€Å"Business-to-Consumer† (B2C) and the last is â€Å"Consumer-to-Consumer† (C2C). This paper will focus on B2C. Cyprus (2011) explains that B2C refers to the online selling of products, known as e-tailing. B2C makes it possible that any product can be virtually e-tailed. However, the challenge for online retailers and manufacturers is to attract consumers to their website marke tplace. Originally, this needed assistance with search engines, as consumers often search for products or services they need by keying in the related words on a search engine search bar. Usually, consumers choose websites on the first few pages of the results that flash up the screen. Knowing this tendency of consumers, businesses fight for a slot in the first few pages of the results of a search. One way to do it is to purchase paid listings as well as employ search engine optimization techniques such as using popular consumer keywords in their web text. The purpose of attracting traffic towards their website is to receive views from consumers and potential clients (Cyprus, 2011). Two variations of the B2C model were identified by Robert (2007). Direct sale to the customer is the first variation. An example is charging their consumers for photo sharing/hosting services. The customers’ photography skills range from inexperienced shutterbugs to professional photogr aphers. This site does not offer any feature for free unlike other sites like Flickr because they are confident that their consumers are aware that they offer a great product at the right price so there is much value in availing of their service over a competitor offering services for free. Actual products and goods are mostly sold by online retailers. The second approach is the advertising model where popular sites that generate huge amounts of traffic like YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, etc. come in. Free services are offered to consumers so visitors flock in who then become targets of advertising when they are logged in. Advertising can come in various forms such as â€Å"pay-per-click like Google ads to cost-per-impression to direct sale of a spot† (Robert, 2007). Just how do B2C outfits operate? Noninska (2003) compares B2C systems to real-world shopping experience. Transactions are done over an open network, so customers have unrestricted access. When a deal is closed, paym ent is made using credit cards. The B2C system verifies the validity of the card and the identity of the customer (Steinfield, n.d.). B2C sites should be user-friendly as well as offer benefits to customers such as low costs and data security. It should be able to deliver the required information within the shortest time possible so customers do not have to wait

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ten Hidden Truths in The Jungle by Upton Sinclair Essay

Ten Hidden Truths in The Jungle by Upton Sinclair - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that â€Å"The Jungle† is an important insight into American history, more importantly, it unveils the hidden truths of workers’ life in Chicago at the beginning of the twentieth century. Usually, these truths remain hidden until late in a worker’s life and only exposed to him bit by bit. The bitter realities hurt the reader but Sinclair had to state them as they existed. Even today, the understanding of these truths is equally important because the exploitation takes forms to suit contemporary conditions. Following are ten basic truths identified from the reading of â€Å"The Jungle† by Upton Sinclair: Hidden Truth 1:  Ã‚   The reality of wonderful dreams. Jurgis, the hero of the novel had come to this land of opportunities – Chicago with so many wonderful dreams, but realities dawned on him when he was forced to starve in this land of high prices. He, like other migrants, had never thought of this cost ly life. The so-called high wages were quite insufficient to spend an expensive life in Chicago. The employers knew exactly, the tactics they had to employ to engage and cage the migrants. â€Å"A few days of practical experience in this land of high wages have been sufficient to make clear to them the cruel fact that it was also a land of high prices, and that in it the poor man was almost as poor as in any other corner of the world†. Hidden Truth 2: Cost of living a nightmare. Living in Chicago was no less than a nightmare for migrants. Jurgis and his family found it extremely difficult to pay the nine dollar rent while earning only little more than two dollars for a  twelve-hour job.   Buying a residence required fifteen hundred dollars with three hundred dollars down payment. The migrants had only two choices, either to pay rent forever or to pay the both; down payment and rent to own a house somewhere in the future. The interest-based economy had horrifying upshots o n the life of lower and middle-class worker families. However, the fact was deliberately obscured until the victim had been fully trapped. â€Å"You are like all the rest, she said; they trick you and eat you alive. They never sell the house without interest. Get your deeds, and see.† Hidden Truth 3: Superficial lifestyle lead to disasters. The first chapter of â€Å"The Jungle† is mainly on account of the wedding ceremony of Jurgis and Ona. The couple arranged this ceremony, which was beyond their resources, and it was the first brick laid wrong and the expenses incurred by the couple led to future disasters in their marital life.   â€Å"Most fearful they are to contemplate, the expenses of this entertainment. They will certainly be over two hundred dollars and maybe three hundred, and three hundred dollar is more than the year’s income of many a person in this room.† Most of the guest â€Å"sneaked off† either without contributing anything to the entertainment or only very meager amount. They knew what exactly the entertainment is going to cost them in the upcoming life, â€Å"do not worry—it will not matter to us. We will pay them all somehow. I will work harder.†. So, the superficial start of their marital life was dreadful and posed challenges and hardships for future life. Hidden Truth 4: The prejudice. Another untold story is the misery of living in humiliation. You lose all your confidence, and your children are born slaves. Even talking to a property agent had to come with so many cautions and concerns. All the lives they live apart and indifferent like aliens with gaps they can never fill. â€Å"To press the matter would have seemed to be doubting his words, and never in their lives had anyone of them ever spoken to a person of the class called â€Å"gentleman† except with deference and humility.


THE AMERICAN JOURNEY IS ALWAYS A QUEST FOR IDENTITY AND AN ESCAPE FROM REALITY. WITH REFERENCE TO TWO TEXT, THE GREAT GATSBY BY - Essay Example The tragedy of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the twin towers has just happened and the shock to the main characters is still palpable. Both books comment little on the political and economic events surrounding the story, but focus instead on how these matters affect a small selection of main characters. Material prosperity is an accepted norm in the two books: â€Å"Situated at the heart of Gatsby's story is the metanarrative central to American culture--the deeply conservative ideology of capitalism, the story of rags to riches, of power, love and fame achieved through personal wealth.† (Giltrow and Stouck: 1997, p. 477) The shady main character Jay Gatsby reflects on all that the city offers: â€Å"For a while these reveries provided an outlet for his imagination; they were a satisfactory hint of the unreality of reality, a promise that the rock of the world was founded securely on a fairy's wing. (Scott Fitzgerald, 1990, pp. 95-96) Descriptions of the furnishings and clothi ng of the main characters show a lingering fascination with the glitter and wealth: â€Å"I (= Nick) bought a dozen volumes on banking and credit and investment securities, and they stood on my shelf in red and gold like new money from the mint, promising to unfold the shining secrets †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Scott Fitzgerald, 1990, p. 10) â€Å"Her (= Daisy’s) porch was bright with the bought luxury of star-shine† (Scott Fitzgerald, 1990, p. 142); â€Å"and Gatsby, in a white flannel suit, silver shirt, and gold-coloured tie, hurried in.† (Scott Fitzgerlald, 1990, p. 81) This brightness contrasts sharply with the atmosphere at the end of the novel when Myrtle has been killed and Gatsby also is dead: â€Å"Wilson’s glazed eyes turned out to the ashheaps, where small grey clouds took on fantastic shapes and scurried here and there in the faint dawn wind.† (Scott Fitzgerals, 1990, p. 152-153). The events in the book depict a journey from a glitzy American dr eamworld to a nightmare of death and destruction. The falling grey dust of the twin towers is where Delillo’s characters begin their particular journeys. In the broken, fragmented environment of post 9/11 New York, successful lawyer Keith is disoriented. He is lost, and his life’s journey has been savagely interrupted. He needs to re-orient himself and embark on a new and very different kind of journey. Critics point out the post-modern irony of this, as centre of world trade and finance shifts from being the last century’s American dream, where streets are paved with gold, to the nightmare of death and destruction in the new century. The journey that people now undertake is not from rural poverty to urban wealth and sophistication, but something far deeper. The focus now is on characters who â€Å"struggle to embark on an introspective process to recover their traumatized selves.† (Schmeck and Schweighauser: 2010, p. 49). It has been noted also that whil e Delillo’s view of New York society has a certain bias: â€Å"the dominant narrative focus is on the white upper-middle class† (Pohlmann, 2010, p. 53), there is also at least some attempt to portray alternative views of the world, in the depiction of Hammad and his religious zeal against empty materialism. Though the contexts of the two novels are different, and they start at different points, their

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Ten Hidden Truths in The Jungle by Upton Sinclair Essay

Ten Hidden Truths in The Jungle by Upton Sinclair - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that â€Å"The Jungle† is an important insight into American history, more importantly, it unveils the hidden truths of workers’ life in Chicago at the beginning of the twentieth century. Usually, these truths remain hidden until late in a worker’s life and only exposed to him bit by bit. The bitter realities hurt the reader but Sinclair had to state them as they existed. Even today, the understanding of these truths is equally important because the exploitation takes forms to suit contemporary conditions. Following are ten basic truths identified from the reading of â€Å"The Jungle† by Upton Sinclair: Hidden Truth 1:  Ã‚   The reality of wonderful dreams. Jurgis, the hero of the novel had come to this land of opportunities – Chicago with so many wonderful dreams, but realities dawned on him when he was forced to starve in this land of high prices. He, like other migrants, had never thought of this cost ly life. The so-called high wages were quite insufficient to spend an expensive life in Chicago. The employers knew exactly, the tactics they had to employ to engage and cage the migrants. â€Å"A few days of practical experience in this land of high wages have been sufficient to make clear to them the cruel fact that it was also a land of high prices, and that in it the poor man was almost as poor as in any other corner of the world†. Hidden Truth 2: Cost of living a nightmare. Living in Chicago was no less than a nightmare for migrants. Jurgis and his family found it extremely difficult to pay the nine dollar rent while earning only little more than two dollars for a  twelve-hour job.   Buying a residence required fifteen hundred dollars with three hundred dollars down payment. The migrants had only two choices, either to pay rent forever or to pay the both; down payment and rent to own a house somewhere in the future. The interest-based economy had horrifying upshots o n the life of lower and middle-class worker families. However, the fact was deliberately obscured until the victim had been fully trapped. â€Å"You are like all the rest, she said; they trick you and eat you alive. They never sell the house without interest. Get your deeds, and see.† Hidden Truth 3: Superficial lifestyle lead to disasters. The first chapter of â€Å"The Jungle† is mainly on account of the wedding ceremony of Jurgis and Ona. The couple arranged this ceremony, which was beyond their resources, and it was the first brick laid wrong and the expenses incurred by the couple led to future disasters in their marital life.   â€Å"Most fearful they are to contemplate, the expenses of this entertainment. They will certainly be over two hundred dollars and maybe three hundred, and three hundred dollar is more than the year’s income of many a person in this room.† Most of the guest â€Å"sneaked off† either without contributing anything to the entertainment or only very meager amount. They knew what exactly the entertainment is going to cost them in the upcoming life, â€Å"do not worry—it will not matter to us. We will pay them all somehow. I will work harder.†. So, the superficial start of their marital life was dreadful and posed challenges and hardships for future life. Hidden Truth 4: The prejudice. Another untold story is the misery of living in humiliation. You lose all your confidence, and your children are born slaves. Even talking to a property agent had to come with so many cautions and concerns. All the lives they live apart and indifferent like aliens with gaps they can never fill. â€Å"To press the matter would have seemed to be doubting his words, and never in their lives had anyone of them ever spoken to a person of the class called â€Å"gentleman† except with deference and humility.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Brand Strength of easyJet Plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Brand Strength of easyJet Plc - Essay Example Removing extras from the service model such as establishment of first-class seating and meals allows a firm to cut costs all throughout the entire value chain (Thompson 2008). easyJet recognises that the majority of its customers are going to be price sensitive, thus in order to maintain market interest easyJet cannot deviate from its value model. The original marketing concept for easyJet in the last decade has been to â€Å"make flying as affordable as a pair of jeans† and where the company attempts to persuade consumers to cut out the travel agent role in booking and vacation planning (easyJet 2012). The TV series, Airline, created by LWT was a UK television series surrounding the dramas of actors employed with easyJet that ultimately made easyJet a household name in the UK (easyJet 2012). In order to establish brand recognition in key markets during initial marketing strategies, product placement and logo presentation in highly-valuable television markets built the ability of the company to have its logos and colours recognised instantaneously. easyJet has yet to deviate from this strategy of using logo and design characteristics associated with the organisation (e.g. orange and black) to differentiate the organisation from competition. The aggressive product placement strategies have built the brand equity currently experienced by easyJet. According to the company, â€Å"orange is one of our greatest distinguishing features. It is an essential part of our brand heritage and brand identity† (easyGroup 2011, p.5). When attempting to create brand recall using logo presentation, it is necessary to use consistent colour representations in order to appeal to consumers’ psychological characteristics... In the essay the business strategy of easyJet is about the original marketing concept for easyJet in the last decade has been to â€Å"make flying as affordable as a pair of jeans† and where the company attempts to persuade consumers to cut out the travel agent role in booking and vacation planning. Then goes the exploration of the brand strength of easyJet. easyJet has maintained its positive market position by using strategies that are not only aligned with budget-conscious consumers, but also those that promote convenience as part of market positioning strategy. easyJet is also able to rely on sponsorships and alliances throughout the entire business model in order to gain even more brand credibility and establish a set of values that are expressed positively to consumer markets. easyJet partnered with VisitBritain, a government sponsored marketing effort designed to lure more domestic and international tourism for the UK. easyJet also conducts considerable market research analyses both on internal processes and on what is driving consumer-centric trends in the external environment. Strengths for easyJet are the advantages that are provided the business as it relates to the tangible industry market. After the analysis of findings, we know the ability to achieve significant, record revenue gains in a market environment that has moved into maturity is a notable accomplishment for easyJet. At last, easyJet is a benchmark for using efficient brand enhancing activities in which promotional focus gives the brand more visibility.

Monday, October 14, 2019

African Americans in the U.S. Essay Example for Free

African Americans in the U.S. Essay African Americans (American Blacks or Black Americans), racial group in the United States whose dominant ancestry is from sub-Saharan West Africa. Many African Americans also claim European, Native American, or Asian ancestors. A variety of names have been used for African Americans at various points in history. African Americans have been referred to as Negroes, colored, blacks, and Afro-Americans, as well as lesser-known terms, such as the 19th-century designation Anglo-African. The terms Negro and colored are now rarely used. African American, black, and to a lesser extent Afro-American, are used interchangeably today. Recent black immigrants from Africa and the islands of the Caribbean are sometimes classified as African Americans. However, these groups, especially first- and second-generation immigrants, often have cultural practices, histories, and languages that are distinct from those of African Americans born in the United States. For example, Caribbean natives may speak French, British English, or Spanish as their first language. Emigrants from Africa may speak a European language other than English or any of a number of African languages as their first language. Caribbean and African immigrants often have little knowledge or experience of the distinctive history of race relations in the United States. Thus, Caribbean and African immigrants may or may not choose to identify with the African American community. According to 2000 U. S. census, some 34. 7 million African Americans live in the United States, making up 12. 3 percent of the total population. 2000 census shows that 54. 8 percent African Americans lived in the South. In that year, 17. 6 percent of African Americans lived in the Northeast and 18. 7 percent in the Midwest, while only 8. 9 percent lived in the Western states. Almost 88 percent of African Americans lived in metropolitan areas in 2000. With over 2 million African American residents, New York City had the largest black urban population in the United States in 2000. Washington, D. C. , had the highest proportion of black residents of any U. S. city in 2000, with African Americans making up almost 60 percent of the population. Microsoft  ® Encarta  ® 2009.  © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Atlantic Slave Trade, Atlantic Slave Trade, the forced transportation of at least 10 million enslaved Africans from their homelands in Africa to destinations in Europe and the Americas during the 15th through 19th centuries. European and North American slave traders transported most of these slaves to areas in tropical and subtropical America, where the vast majority worked as laborers on large agricultural plantations. See Slavery. Between 1440 and 1880 Europeans and North Americans exchanged merchandise for slaves along 5600 km (3500 miles) of Africa’s western and west central Atlantic coasts. These slaves were then transported to other locations around the Atlantic Ocean. The vast majority went to Brazil, the Caribbean, and Spanish-speaking regions of South America and Central America. Smaller numbers were taken to Atlantic islands, continental Europe, and English-speaking areas of the North American mainland. Approximately 12 million slaves left Africa via the Atlantic trade, and more than 10 million arrived. The Atlantic slave trade involved the largest intercontinental migration of people in world history prior to the 20th century. This transfer of so many people, over such a long time, had enormous consequences for every continent bordering the Atlantic. It profoundly changed the racial, social, economic, and cultural makeup in many of the American nations that imported slaves. It also left a legacy of racism that many of those nations are still struggling to overcome. Microsoft  ® Encarta  ® 2009.  © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Civil Rights Movement in the United States, political, legal, and social struggle by black Americans to gain full citizenship rights and to achieve racial equality. The civil rights movement was first and foremost a challenge to segregation, the system of laws and customs separating blacks and whites that whites used to control blacks after slavery was abolished in the 1860s. During the civil rights movement, individuals and civil rights organizations challenged segregation and discrimination with a variety of activities, including protest marches, boycotts, and refusal to abide by segregation laws. Many believe that the movement began with the Montgomery bus boycott in 1955 and ended with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, though there is debate about when it began and whether it has ended yet. The civil rights movement has also been called the Black Freedom Movement, the Negro Revolution, and the Second Reconstruction. Microsoft  ® Encarta  ® 2009.  © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. AAVE Distinctive patterns of language use among African Americans arose as creative responses to the hardships imposed on the African American community. Slave-owners often intentionally mixed people who spoke many different African languages to discourage communication in any language other than English on their plantations. Moreover, many whites were unwilling to allow blacks to learn proper English. One response to these conditions was the development of pidgins, simplified mixtures of two or more languages that speakers of different languages could use to communicate with each other. Some of these pidgins eventually became fully developed Creole languages spoken by certain groups as a native language. Significant numbers of people still speak some of these Creole languages, notably Gullah on the Sea Islands of South Carolina and Georgia. African American Vernacular English (AAVE), also called black English or Ebonics, is a dialect of English spoken by many African Americans that shares some features with Creole languages. Microsoft  ® Encarta  ® 2009.  © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

American Women Leaving the Home and Going to Work Essay -- Working-Wom

One of the most significant sociological changes in the nation's history began in the last decade of the nineteenth century and the ramifications are still being felt today. This change consisted of the large numbers of women who entered the work force. This dramatic change in American society was accompanied by a great deal of controversy and prejudice directed towards women. It was predicted that female employment would bring about the downfall of society and the change of the American family. While a large portion of the public was appalled by the thought of independent young working women, they were also fascinated. Therefore, the attitudes of the public toward these women can be seen in the literature that was produced at that time. The works of Edith Wharton and Theodore Dreiser immediately come to mind as dramatizations of the life of women of this period. Slowly, attitudes began to change. The employment opportunities for women enlarged and women began to slowly gain their rights as full citizens, finally receiving the right to vote in 1920. The attitudes of the women in the work force also changed as time progressed. At first, they struggled for even the opportunity to work. As the century progressed, they became more active in union activities and, as newspapers from the period demonstrate, they fought to achieve better working conditions and better wages. By 1900, many poor and working-class young women, mostly of Northern white extraction, were leaving the confines and moral structures of their families and elders and venturing forth to the large industrial cities such as New York (Lunbeck 781). There they became enthusiastic participants of the new pleasures that were offered to consumers in the brand-new century. Essentially, these young women added a stage to the female life cycle that had not previously existed à ±adolescence (Lunbeck 781). In the 1890s, female factory workers were seen as a serious economic and social threat. Because women generally worked at the bottom of the pay scale, the theory was that they depressed the overall pay scale for all workers (Kessler-Harris 98). Many solutions were suggested at this time that all revolved around the idea of these women getting marriedà ³the idea being that a married woman would not work for wages. Although this idea seems ludicrous from a modern perspective, it should be noted that t... ...Times (1913): 12 January, p. 7. Connell, Eileen. "Edith Wharton joins the working classes : 'The House of Mirth' and The New York City Working Girls' Clubs," Women's Studies, v26 n6 (1997): November, pp. 557-604. Dreiser, Theodore. "Sister Carrie". Dover Publications, 2004. Fennell, Dorothy E. "Common Sense and a Little Fire: Women and Working-Class Politics in the United States, 1900-1965," Industrial and Labor Relations Review, v49 n4 (1996): July, pp. 773-774. Keep, Christopher. "The cultural work of the Type-Writer Girl," Victorian Studies, V40 n3 (1997): Spring, pp. 401-426. Web. 26 May 2015. Kessler-Harris, Alice. Out to work: a history of wage-earning women in the United States (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982). Web. 26 May 2015. Lunbeck, Elizabeth. "The 'girl problem': female sexual delinquency in New York, 1900-1930," Journal of American History; June 1996, Vol. 83 Issue 1 Web. 26 May 2015.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Personnel Evaluation Essay -- Human Resource Management

Personnel Evaluation Personnel evaluation systems can vary from state to state or even between state agencies in the same state. The state of North Carolina has one personnel evaluation policy with some listed exceptions in the North Carolina General Statutes. The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the personnel evaluation systems for three state agencies, describe four challenges public managers face in the implementation of personnel evaluation systems, analyze, and summarize four factors for executing public personnel evaluation systems. Compare and Contrast Three State Agencies While the North Carolina State Board of Education, UNC Board of Governors, and the North Carolina Department of Administration must comply with North Carolina General Statutes 115 and 126, the statutes allow them discretionary rights as administrators of education, healthcare, and public safety personnel with varying needs, such as certifications and professional development. Additionally, all three agencies have a requirement for supervisors and employees to establish an initial work or action plan with the first month of employment. Additionally, all three agencies require employee notification of appeal rights. Furthermore, each agency requires an initial meeting, a mid-year review, and an annual appraisal. However, for all their similarities they vary in performance assessment components. For example, the North Carolina Department of Administration has a behavioral trait component, require coaching and reinforcement, and handwritten narrative summary. While the North Carolina State Board of Education requires a professional development evaluation, teacher work condition survey, artifact submission, individual growth pl... ... 28(3), 205-221. doi:10.1177/0734371X08319286 Haga, B. I., Richman, R., & Leavitt, W. (2010). System failure: Implementing pay for performance in the department of defense's national security personnel system. Public Personnel Management, 39(3), 211-230. London, M., Mone, E. M., & Scott, J. C. (2004). Performance management and assessment: Methods for improved rater accuracy and employee goal setting. Human Resource Management, 43(4), 319-336. doi:10.1002/hrm.20027 Mothersell, W. M., Moore, M. L., Ford, J. K., & Farrell, J. (2008). Revitalizing human resources management in state government: Moving from transactional to transformational hr professionals in the state of michigan. Public Personnel Management, 37(1), 77-97. Pynes, J. E. (2004). The implementation of workforce and succession planning in the public sector. Public Personnel Management, 33(4), 389-404.

Friday, October 11, 2019

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson and “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell

In both â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game† by Richard Connell, the authors write to emphasize the sanctity of life through the conflicts endured by their main characters both implicitly and explicitly. Both stories deal with the topic of the taking of human life.â€Å"The Lottery† implicitly delves into the thought processes and ritual of a society where the taking of a life is ceremonial. However, the reader is left to wonder the purpose of this seemingly ageless tradition. â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game† on the other hand, is much more sinister in nature.Human life is also taken in a systematic way, with rules that must be followed, but also a chance that the target may earn his freedom. In this explicit way, the reader fully comprehends the evil surrounding the Game and is confounded by killing as a means of entertainment.What first struck me as I read both stories was the similarity in the development of the charact ers. Both stories had an executioner and a victim that were seemingly interchangeable. In â€Å"The Lottery,† Mr. Summers was the presider of the ceremony and he fulfilled his duties with an aloofness that gave the reader a false sense of security throughout the story.The crowd encircled him. He knew one would die; in fact he himself was not exempt. Yet, he wistfully remembered a time when the Lottery had more pomp and pageantry. General Zaroff in, â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game† also felt a longing for a time when the Game was more exciting.He had a crowd of contestants in his training area that he scorned for lack of skill and wisdom. Mr. Summers and the crowd felt the same way about Mrs. Hutchinson, who was so lackadaisical about the Lottery that she was late.In a matter of life and death for her family her excuse for being tardy was a sink full of dirty dishes. In â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game† Rainsford is also quite flippant about his situation and about ta king lives as he brags to his associate about his hunting exploits.Rainsford dismisses the fear he is surrounded with upon the mention of dangerous waters. In this way, both authors exhibit their theme of the importance of the sanctity of life in the reactions of both victims, Mrs. Hutchinson and Rainsford when they realize that their lives are the ones in peril unexpectedly.When Rainsford finds himself washed up on what the other sailors called â€Å"ship trap island† the reader hears gun shots and the author creates a further sense of foreboding as he introduces Rainsford to General Zaroff. No detail is left unnoticed by the reader as the butler Ivan opens the door and Rainsford is met at gunpoint.At first Rainsford is impressed and flattered by the General who recognizes the expert hunter. Soon, however, the finery of Zaroff’s compound is negated by the savagery of the Game he describes and nonchalantly intends for Rainsford to approve of and participate.Conversely, the warm springtime setting of â€Å"The Lottery† is misleading. In modern society a lottery is a much sought after prize. People choose to play and pray to be selected for vast sums of money.However, in this story there is an undercurrent of caution and masked fear in the crowd as they take their turn to draw slips of paper. â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game† is much more of a thrill ride for the reader as we hide with Rainsford in the tree as he is purposefully hunted in the Game.We cheer for him as he eludes General Zaroff and changes his mind about hunting as a sport. Ironically, Rainsford can now empathize with his quarry after becoming the hunted himself. The same cannot be said of â€Å"The Lottery. †Mrs. Hutchinson’s change in demeanor is heart breaking. With her outbursts and contention that the Lottery had been run unfairly, the reader realizes that her life is soon coming to an end. The irony of her situation is that she claims to have forgotten a ll about the Lottery earlier that morning.Now  she fights to challenge its outcome and the reader is left to wonder why people of this town die at the hands of the Lottery in the first place. Though their style of writing is completely different, in both â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game† by Richard Connell, the authors engage their readers into battling along with their main characters for their very lives. We challenge the seemingly pointless rituals of the Game and Lottery. Inevitably we agree with the authors that lives are not to be toyed with by an unfeeling society.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Curleys Wife Character †of Men and Mice Essay

Of Men and Mice is not kind in its portrayal of women. In fact, women are treated with contempt throughout the course of the book. Steinbeck generally depicts women as troublemakers who bring ruin to men and drive them mad. Curley’s wife, who walks the ranch as a temptress seems to be a prime example of the destructive tendency. Despite the author’s rendering, Curley’s wife emerges as a relatively complex and interesting character. Although her purpose is rather simple in the book’s opening pages, she is the â€Å"tramp†, â€Å"tart† and â€Å"bitch† that threatens to destroy male happiness and longevity. The social setting of the novel is also important, as it could later explain characters attitudes towards other people. It is set in the U.S. in the 1930s; this is the time of the Great Depression. This was a result of the First World War. It affected the rich and poor alike, factory workers and farmers, bankers and stockbrokers. In s hort, it affected everyone; no one was left untouched. But of all the people hurt, farmers were the worst off. Curley’s wife is first introduced in person to us in a symbolic way; this is shown when George is talking to Lennie about the dream and when Curley’s wife first meets both men. â€Å"Both men glanced up, for a rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off.† The symbolic meaning of the word sunshine is hope, freedom, happiness and dreams. This foreshadows that she may cause trouble or come in the way and could ruin it all for Lennie and George. She is also described as a â€Å"girl†, which tells us that she is very playful, childish and vulnerable. Her appearance later in the novel becomes more complex. But even before this we are forewarned about her, Candy tells George and Lennie about her, making her out at the wrong type to begin with, â€Å"Married to weeks and got the eye? Maybe that is why Curley’s pants is full of ants,† giving us the impression she was a person not to socialis e with. Also tells us that the men on the ranch know that Curley knows that is wife looks at the rest of them, hoping for one of them to try and get close to her, so he can then create a situation for a fight. As Candy relaxes he also goes on to get them to have the same opinion as him about her by saying, ‘well, you look her over, mister. You see if she ain’t a tart†, and the reply from George, ‘Purty?’ making sure that we see her as ‘jail bait†. Then when we first get to see her she is dressed as if she is going out to a party, and Steinbeck also enforces the concept that she is trouble and a tart, by describing her appearance, â€Å"she had full rouged lips†, â€Å"red mules, on the insteps of which were little bouquets of red ostrich feathers†, using the colour red as a foreshadow that she is dangerous. This is the first time also that we see that she is attractive and that she knows it, also that she wants the men to look at her, â€Å"she put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward†, forcing the men to look at her curves. This first sign of nativity shows that she doesn’t understand her affect on men, showing her age as a teenager and her understanding of her sexual attractiveness. We also get an insight to her life with her husband and why she is always coming around the rest of the men. When Candy tells George and Lennie about Curley having his glove full of â€Å"Vaseline† and that he was keeping â€Å"that hand soft for his wife†, tells us that she was also being beaten up, and that nobody could see the bruises because Curley had softened his hand, or he hit her in places where we couldn’t see the bruises. This is the first time we see her as a victim needing help. We also see that see can be cruel, and willing to misuse power. When she confronts Lennie, Candy, and Crooks in the stable, she admits to feeling a kind of shameless dissatisfaction with her life. Her vulnerability at this moment and later when she admits to Lennie her dream of becoming a movie star makes her utterly human and much more interesting than the stereotypical vixen in fancy clothes. She seeks out even greater weakness in others, preying upon Lennie’s mental handicap â€Å"they left all the weak ones here†, Candy’s debilitating age, â€Å"tell an’ be damned. Nobody’d would listen to you, and you know it† and the colour of Crook’s skin â€Å"you know what I can do to you if you open your trap?† in order to steel herself against harm. Dreams are a major reoccurring theme, when Lennie tells Curley’s wife of his and George’s dream she just says â€Å"baloney†, but she has a dream of her own and she proceeds to talk Lennie about it. She has dreamt of being a movie star, which nearly came true when she encountered an actor. ‘He says I could go with that show†, but like most young girl s was forbade from her mother, ‘my ol’ lady wouldn’ let me†. So having her dream pulled out from underneath her she rebelled, and married Curley. However she always wanted to achieve something of herself and loved attention. â€Å"Curley’s wife lay with a half-covering of yellow hay. And the meanness and the planning and the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone from her face. She was very pretty and simple, and her face was sweet and young. Now her rouged cheeks and her reddened lips made her seem alive and sleeping very lightly. The curls, tiny little sausages, were spread on the hay behind her head, and her lips were parted†, this is the first time we are shown her true self – she was a young, innocent, lonely young girl. When you take away all the walls she had erected you come back to a young girl wanting to be loved, who saw Lennie as a way out from Curley’s abusive relationship. As Lennie could hurt Curley, but not realising the danger she was ultimately putting herself into. So in conclusion Curley’s wife is the most depressed and lonely characters in the novel. She has no friends, no future, no respect; she doesn’t even deserve a name. All she wants is someone to talk to but in her mind the only way she can do this is by flaunting herself to the men to get noticed. This leads her to be perceived as a â€Å"tart† by the men. She represents absolute loneliness and desperation to achieve something better in life. Even though she is very lonely, she comes across as a very beautiful woman. She flaunts herself by dressing and acting in a â€Å"tart† like manner, but really she is just making use of her body to gain the attention of the workers to soothe her. If anyone would give her a break, treat her like a person, she would idolise them. Her craving for contact is immense but she, with her background is incapable of conceiving any contact without some sexual context, she is not particularly oversexed, but has been forced to recognise that her sexuality is the only weapon she has, and the only thing that gets her noticed. Consequently she is a little starved. She knows nothing about sex, except the mass information girls tell each other. All through the novel the men make out that Curley’s wife is trouble. But yet there was never any proof that Curley’s wife has ever caused any of the trouble or conflicts. The only trouble she caused was when she died.

Effective Education Web Site Essay

The rapid development of the internet has made it into one of the greatest tools of learning for many individuals in the academic environment. Even students still in primary and secondary education have become highly dependent on the services provided over the World Wide Web. What libraries and tutorial programs used to be for the older generation, the computer and on-line sites have become for the younger generation. The qualities of an effective education web site for primary and secondary schools thus needs to be assessed. Cook & Dupras (2004) state that an educational websites effectiveness lie in its ability to answer specific needs and goals for the student. This means that the website needs not only to be user-friendly and easily navigable but it also needs to be content-oriented. There should be a specific task for the website and all possible media that can fulfill this task should be incorporated in the site’s design. For example, if the site aims to teach the basic principles of arithmetic, different elements can be mixed together to reach this aim – a step-by-step tutorial, examples, sample problems, quizzes, and even games. An effective education website needs to encourage active learning especially if it is for primary and secondary schools. (Cook & Dupras, 2004) This can be done by allowing self-assessment, learner interaction, feedback and even self-directed learning. The website itself should be made accessible, user-friendly, and should have templates that encourage the student to study. Colorful pages, interactive images, and regularly updated content all perform the said task. Educational websites may well be the classrooms of the future. As such, more research need to be conducted in order to better understand the dynamics that would allow optimum learning from the sites. Reference Cook, D. A. , and Dupras, D. M. (2004). A practical guide to developing effective web-based learning. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 19(6), 698-707.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Old Trafford stadium Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Old Trafford stadium - Essay Example Opened in 1910, Old Trafford was originally intended to hold eighty thousand spectators, making it the second-largest sports ground in the country following Wembley Stadium. All the information regarding events that have occurred in the club’s history, from the club’s founding in 1878 to its activities in present times, is all preserved in the Manchester United Museum whilst the Hall of Fame reveres numerous soccer athletes who have assisted the team, Manchester United, rule the English football league throughout the years. The Trophy Room displays sufficient silver and brass that can try to outshine the Crown Jewels. Introduction: Historical and Cultural setting The Industrial Revolution began in the late 18th century in England but it is a well known fact that from the conclusion of the 18th century, essential economic and social transformation occurred in England. This included: a remarkable increase in countrywide population sizes brought about by a more rapid growt h of existing towns and cities, changing birth and mortality rates predominantly in capital cities Manifestation of new social classes associated to people’s place as workers within the industry or as the owners of industries in the manufacturing process. In addition to the aforementioned reasons for the economic and social developments, progress in transportation and networks of communication also propelled the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution, as noted by historians, was marked by important changes in society, such as, some incorporated advancements in agriculture, such as the implementation of new systems of farming and the creation of new equipment which permitted for an amplified availability of food. Furthermore, there was the expansion of new machinery in industrial manufacture from increases in information that were more often than not the product of informed empiricism and practical experiences. This revolution and its civilization at the time, saw to the spread of the football culture in Britain and consequently to the construction of soccer stadiums. Old Trafford In its initial years, the Manchester United team (Newton Heath) played on various pitches before they moved to North Road Monsall in 1880. This ground was reported to be the worst one in their league; it was enshrouded with the smoke from the nearby industry and the pitch grounds were ranging from gravel to marsh. The original Manchester field opened in 1909, after the Manchester United club relocated from their previous grounds at Bank Lane in Clayton. It had a single covered stand, with room that could allow an individual to stand while watching a game. Despite the inconvenience, the original stadium presented countless luxuries such as attendant, a tea-room with tip-up seats. Following serious financial debt and expenses, Sir John Henry Davies rescued the team from grave bankruptcy and renaming, by giving away a grand total of sixty thousand pounds in 1909 for the acquisition and construction of a site at Trafford Park. The novel ground next to the Bridgewater Canal, which was near the Northern end of Warwick Road. It was complete and ready for utilization on the 22nd of January, 1910 (TheFootyNet). Designed by Scottish architect Archibald Leitch, who planned numerous other stadia, the ground was previously intended to have a carrying capacity of about one thousand people, and featured a covered sitting

Monday, October 7, 2019

Hardware Security Module - Optimization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words - 1

Hardware Security Module - Optimization - Essay Example In this study, an HSM optimization solution will then be proposed to fill the gaps identified. This document mainly aims to perform tests and obtain numeric figures that can be trusted in finding optimal points for the application of this solution in HSM devices of similar nature. 4.1.General specification and capabilities A hardware security module (HSM) can be described as a crypto processor that is dedicated and it is specifically designed to be used for the protection of the crypto key lifecycle. Hardware security modules therefore act as trusted anchors that protect the infrastructure designed from cryptography and some of the organizations that are security conscious in the world. This is achieved by managing, processing, an storing cryptographic keys securely inside a hardened and tamper resistant device. [16] 15 5.1.Signature Service â€Å"The Spanish e-Identification board is currently working to upgrade the infrastructure for electronic identification in (Country Name), based on federated techniques using the SAML standard. This infrastructure contains two important functions are to allow citizens to authenticate themselves securely and to electronically sign documents that represent transactions, agreements, applications and declarations of various forms and types. The signing service does not keep track of users and user keys, but simply generates a new signing key and signature certificate for each signature. This is a procedure that provides a number of important advantages such as: 1)It reduces the amount of user sensitive information that needs to be stored in the server and hence, limits the amount of user sensitive information that can be stolen and abused.2) It provides proof of signing time as the certificate is generated at singing time.3)The signature is always associated wit h a certificate that has sufficient remaining validity time for the intended use of the signed

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Role of Emotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Role of Emotion - Essay Example The emotion-focused assessment and following therapy follows a process, the two main processes being, interpersonal factors, and emotional cycles. Functional assessment has derived from the applied behavior paradigm. In this context functional means the cause of behavior (Carbone & Zecchini, 2008). The process establishes the function, or cause, of the maladaptive behavior before developing an intervention. This intervention is created from the hypothesized function of the maladaptive behavior. If the intervention is unsuccessful in establishing the function then it is very likely that the results will be ineffective in changing the identified maladaptive behaviours (Starin, 2007). These two therapies though from different psychological schools of thought, and therefore have many differences, nevertheless have several similarities as well. Emotion-focused therapy is a structured, short-term therapy, created in the early 1980s. It is historical based in client-centred, gestalt and existential theories. Client-centred therapies are from the humanistic paradigm, they are non-directive, do not search for interpretations, and center on the client actualizing their potential. Gestalt therapy is based on the theory that the brain is holistic, but that 'getting a whole consistent picture and seeing what the structure of the whole requires for the parts' (Wertheimer, 1959, cited in Gestalt Theory, 2008, p.1). Existential therapy stems from the belief that people are on their own in the world. Therefore, people form their own meanings and values, and have the power to make their own choices. For this reason, every individual is responsible for his or her own happiness. Emotion-focused therapy also has an extensive background in attachment theory, which gives the therapy a broader and more in depth understanding of the client's needs and the problems they are experiencing due to past or present family relationships. The approach focuses on how a person is responsible for their own response patterns to emotional processes. A large amount of research has assessed that this therapy is very effective. Research has shown that between 70-75% of clients who enter into emotion-focused therapy will go into recovery and that nearly 90% will significantly improve (ICEEFT, 2008). Greenburg (2004a) states that emotion can be perceived as a form of information processing which is fundamental to a person's survival, and their ability to adapt to the world around them. Research has shown that emotion can improve memory, help to focus attention, and may influence cognitive processing. In addition, emotion can regulate behavior and help to develop healthy attachments. These processes influence why people will perform certain activities and behaviors. It is not just a result of their beliefs and value systems alone, but also because it makes them feel good or bad. Humans seek to control these feelings by trying to maximize the good feelings and minimize the bad ones. The reactions to these pleasant or unpleasant feelings and the attempt to control them are a person's motivation for action and change. Moreover, these emotions are used to evaluate situations that enhance personal well being and happiness, rather than because they are rational or right (Greenburg, 2004 a). Therefore,

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Gander and society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gander and society - Essay Example Females mature earlier compared to males is a fact that faces refute on so many levels in modern society and is a true statement. This is seen by then desire women show for older men in relationships and life. This is just an example of ways in which the fact can be proved through actual observation on a social aspect in a natural environment. Then fact that, women mature faster than men is also seen on so many other levels such as the vale they attach to education on their formative stages of live, as compared to men who tend to pay attention to their academic requirements much later in life. This also reflects on graduation rates of the said women, where females drop out of school at a lower rate than that of their male counterparts. Moreover, this is mainly due to the differences the two parties have in their genetic structure. In this case, it refers to their chemical balance and hormonal differences in the two. Mentally, this is seen by the early myelination of the brain, where the nerves of the brain are coated at a faster rate in females to allow snappy conductivity of electrical impulses to and from the brain (Hodgins 6). This is what makes women develop sooner than males as the myelination process is complete by over twelve to eighteen months as opposed to the male, which continues to develop into their early twenties. The above can also be shown in the case of language development, where females mature in terms of language earlier than males. This is due to the development of the female brain in an advanced rate. In relation to this, vocabulary is learnt and reading skills are acquired earlier than males. As a result, males learn verbal skills at a lower rate and learn verbal communication slowly. Still on brain maturity, females tend to have improved chemical secretions for a balanced personality. This is due to the amounts of serotonin that the female brain secretes; thus, influencing the female personality in relation to impulsiveness. This is as o pposed to the male brain that produces lower levels making males have rash personalities that act on impulse. The above is, in addition to the production of oxytocin in males and females, where in females it is continually produced to work on their responses to other people’s pain as opposed to males (Hodgins 6). This can be seen in cases where males, in the society, look more after their own interests in spite of other people’s suffering. However, this occurs only if the parties involved are not that close to the male in question. As a result, females respond appropriately to the needs and pain of other people despite the lack of personal or relationship ties. The emotional aspect in males and females in the society is the issue at hand due to the act that females mature faster in all other aspects except emotionally. In this regard, emotional maturity for both parties in question is almost at par if males are not more advanced than the females. This is due to the abi lity of males to compartmentalize that which they would like to have as adults, as opposed the principle applied by females. On the other hand, females relate their emotional aspects, where they cling to the emotional ties of a relationship that they would like to have as adults. This translates to the concept of males having stronger and effective control over their emotions, as opposed to females. This puts male emotional maturity at a higher level than that of women as maturity is in emotion is defined to be full