Friday, August 9, 2019

Development and classification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Development and classification - Essay Example Frist and foremost, the first factor that has served to shape the financial reporting of Italy is the availability of the capital to invest. On the same note, it is evident that the financial organization have drastically improved, in other words expands as compared to the earlier years. In addition, to that, the adoptions of the new ideas which have served to promote the business activities in the country have also served to boost the financial reporting. Apparently, this has served to improve the financial status of the country through the generation of income which has contributed to the shaping of the report. Moreover, the existence of good competent leaders has also played a huge role in the financial reporting in Italy. Essentially, these leaders were characterized by the type of policies that they championed which were mandated with the task of boosting the financial activity and consequently increase the revenue. In conclusion, it is evident that there are numerous factors that have contributed to the shaping and the growth of the financial report. To this end it is critical to study this factor in a bid to understand the financial and the business organization of

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